Exhibitor News

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  • AI, Advanced Analytics, & Cloud Migration: Top Trends in Data Modernization 
  • https://www.datanami.com/this-just-in/protegrity-study-reveals-major-delays-in-sensitive-data-access-hampering-innovation/
  • RavenPack announces the release of RavenPack Edge, a new AI platform that collects, reads, and analyzes billions of documents to help businesses better monitor and mitigate emerging risks.
  • Opsis Emotion AI launches with its flagship product SenseCare 2.0: a multi-modal, emotion recognition AI software that combines Face (Emotion), Voice tone (speech) and Posture (body language).
  • Job postings contain valuable information to measure business growth, innovation, financial health and strategic direction. RavenPack Job Analytics helps explore that from unprecedented angles.
  • RavenPack data scientists sought to isolate and quantify the additional value provided by news sentiment both by itself and on top of other more traditional factors in trading Asia Pacific equities.
  • Sustainability factors can severely impact the financial performance of companies, and investors should account for ESG risks in their portfolio construction process.
  • New research shows the benefits of combining earnings calendar change events with existing Earnings Intelligence models to capture more alpha.
  • Join Denodo at Big Data & AI World Singapore

    10 Oct 2022 Denodo | Booth S22
    Denodo is a leader in data management. The award-winning Denodo Platform is the leading data integration, management, and delivery platform using a logical approach...
  • Video Analytics for Any Operation

    12 Oct 2022 Lenard Tan
    We are annoucing the launch of our 4 new products today. AiSafety - Ensure that your operations are compliant and workers are safe. AiProductivity - Monitor your operational productivity to identify r ...
  • Woman-owned artificial intelligence technology company, Robotic Marketer expands tech suite in Asia through technology partnerships and direct sales.
  • Xaltius is a technology & data-driven company with expertise to provide innovative software solutions and training to customers. We work to enhance and drive superior business performance.


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