Featured Sessions 2024

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Big Data & AI World Keynote Theatre

This theatre will explore the potential power of Big Data and AI in helping businesses gain a competitive edge, optimise operations and enhance their bottom-line. From leveraging data-driven decision-making to implementing AI-driven automation and predictive analytics, join industry leaders as they seek to unlock the full potential of Big Data and AI technologies. Unravel the latest innovations, trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of technology and empowering organisations to thrive in the digital era. 

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Featured Sessions

Panel: AI-Powered Hyperpersonalisation: Redefining Customer Engagement in the Digital Age 

This panel explores advanced AI techniques for hyperpersonalisation, such as reinforcement learning and contextual understanding, and their applications in delivering tailored customer experiences across digital channels. Discuss strategies for leveraging big data and AI to anticipate customer needs, personalise content and recommendations, and drive customer loyalty and lifetime value. 

Key Discussion Points:

  • Advanced AI Techniques for Hyperpersonalisation

  • Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Hyperpersonalisation

  • Balancing Personalisation with Privacy and Trust

Panel: From Data to Action: Accelerating Time-to-Insight and Time-to-Value with Big Data Analytics 

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are inundated with vast amounts of data from a variety of sources. However, the true value of this data lies in its ability to drive actionable insights and tangible business outcomes. This panel will explore strategies for accelerating time-to-insight and time-to-value with big data analytics. From optimising data integration and governance processes to leveraging advanced analytics techniques and automation tools, hear insights and explore best practices for turning raw data into actionable insights that drive informed decision-making and strategic growth initiatives. 

Key Discussion Points:

  • Data Integration and Governance

  • Advanced Analytics Techniques

  • Automation and Optimization

AI, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics Theatre

At the core of this theatre lies the exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) and its practical applications in driving business growth and efficiency. Delve into topics such as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), AI ethics, natural language processing (NLP), and deepfake detection. Gain insights into leveraging AI for low-code and no-code solutions, responsible AI practices, and machine learning advancements. Explore the impact of AI on privacy, chatbots, collaborative robots, and more. Experience firsthand how AI transforms business processes, leading to improved performance, heightened customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth. 

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Featured Session

Panel: The Future of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Opportunities and Challenges 

AGI holds the promise of revolutionizing industries, accelerating scientific discovery, and solving some of humanity's most pressing challenges. However, achieving AGI also presents significant technical, ethical, and societal challenges. In this panel discussion, experts will explore the opportunities and challenges of AGI, discussing the progress made towards its realization, the ethical and societal implications of its adoption, and the strategies for navigating the complex landscape of AGI development and deployment. 

Key Discussion Points:

  • Technical Feasibility and Progress Towards AGI

  • Ethical and Societal Implications of AGI

  • Opportunities and Risks of AGI Adoption


Data Strategy & Decision Intelligence Theatre

This theatre focuses on strategic considerations like data governance, management, and decision-making, offering insights to formulate data-driven strategies driving business growth, efficiency, and innovation. From navigating the complexities of hybrid and multi-cloud environments to unlocking the transformative power of augmented data management trends, it provides a lens to navigate the data-driven landscape, exploring topics empowering organisations to leverage data assets fully. Attendees gain actionable insights into optimising data management, analytics, and decision-making processes, navigating complexities, and unlocking opportunities for success. 

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Featured Session

Panel: Data Monetisation Strategies: Maximising Value from Your Data Assets 

This panel will discuss various strategies and approaches for monetising data assets within organisations. Explore ways to identify and assess the value of data assets, the different monetisation models and revenue streams. Understand the various challenges and considerations in monetising data, such as data privacy and regulatory compliance, while sharing best practices and real-world examples and case studies of successful data monetization initiatives. 

  • Identifying High-Value Data Assets

  • Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Compliance

  • Developing Effective Monetisation Models


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